*Our Vision*

Cessnock Bellbird Uniting Church sees it as a privilege that we are part of the community.

We welcome all sorts! (And even give out some liquorice allsorts to visitors and guests.)

We value the worth of all people.

We hope when you come to Cessnock Bellbird Uniting Church you feel welcomed and valued and that you will become an integral part of the fabric of our Church.


*Our Mission*

Reach up.... reach in..... reach out.


*Our Values*

  • Our heart is for the family.
  • Our invitation is for those with questions and doubts.
  • Our conviction is to live in grace and truth.
  • Our commitment is to generosity, unity, and compassion

*Our Beliefs*

Click here for our full statement of belief. 

*A Few More Details*

Cessnock Bellbird Uniting Church is a Congregation of the Uniting Church in Australia. You can find out more about the Uniting Church here.